Balloon Sinuplasty in Indiana & Advanced Minimally Invasive Office Procedures
Balloon Sinuplasty in Indiana may be a great option for you. If conservative treatment with medications have failed, and your symptoms have lasted longer than 2-3 months it is time to consider contacting our offices for skilled treatment of your condition.
Dr. Bichey will determine if you are a good candidate for any procedures that may improve your symptoms. After your exam and a review of any imaging you may need, you may be eligible for minimally invasive procedures performed in the office, under local and oral anesthesia. An evaluation is required to determine the best options for you.
If you have Chronic Sinusitis you may be a candidate for In-Office Balloon Sinuplasty. There are many benefits of performing this procedure in the office setting.
- Avoiding General Anesthesia: There are no risks of general anesthesia when balloon sinuplasty is performed in the office
- Fast Recovery: While recovery time varies with each patient, most patients who undergo an in-office sinuplasty procedure can return to normal activities and work within 1 day.
- Safe Procedural Setting: Patients can avoid traveling to the hospital during the pandemic and limit the exposure to COVID-19 that can occur in the hospital setting.
- High Patient Satisfaction: The majority of patients who have Sinuplasty in-office would recommend the procedure to family and friends.
- Potential for Significant Cost Savings: Some eligible patients may have lower out-of-pocket costs if the procedure is performed in a lower cost of care setting, such as the office.
Dr. Bichey has treated thousands of patients in the office with Balloon Sinuplasty over the last decade in Indiana. He is also skilled at other minimally invasive procedures such as Vivaer and Rhinaer by Aerin Medical that may improve your nasal congestion complaints.
If you have questions about your symptoms and are wondering if you are a good candidate for treatment please start a free discussion with Dr. Bichey HERE.
Understanding Chronic Sinusitis:
The sinuses are air-filled cavities in the cheeks, forehead and around the eyes. They continuously make a small amount of mucous that is secreted into the nose and they can sometimes become infected. 37 million Americans are affected by sinus infections each year. Here in Hamilton county and the surrounding counties, as many as 1 in 5 people have complaints of chronic sinus infections.
Symptoms of chronic sinus infections include:
- facial pain and pressure
- headache pain
- congestion and stuffy nose
- thick, yellow-green nasal discharge
- bad breathe
- and pain in the upper teeth.
Although many people think chronic sinus infections are normal, this one health problem can cause a significant impact on your quality of life, work performance and personal finances. Sinus infections are usually treated by your family physician using antibiotics, however these infections can recur so often that they become a chronic condition. When this happens there are usually other factors causing inflammation, chronic swelling and poor function of the sinuses. As the function of the sinuses worsens, generally the sinus infections also worsen in severity and lengthen in duration. They also become more difficult to treat with common antibiotics.
Improving Your Health
If you are unfortunate enough to be afflicted with chronic sinus infections, there are many strategies that you can try right now to improve the health of your sinuses. The chronic inflammation that eventually triggers chronic sinus infections can be triggered from many sources. Many of these sources are in your environment and if you begin to identify and limit your exposure to these triggers – your symptoms may dramatically improve.
Causes of chronic sinus inflammation:
- Your work, hobbies, home environment and personal habits
- Tobacco smoke
- Chronic mold exposure
- Irritating chemicals at your work
- Seasonal allergies
Always be aware of the things that make you feel worse. Remember, avoidance of the triggers that make you sick is the most effective way to prevent chronic sinus complaints.
Over The Counter Treatments
There are many over the counter medications now available to effectively improve your symptoms. One important thing to remember is that any medication or therapy that you try should be used daily for at least a week and typically up to three weeks to see if it will be effective. If your chronic sinus condition has been present for months, it usually takes weeks to begin to reverse any changes that have occurred.
There are at least four classes of treatments currently available over the counter that may improve your symptoms.
- Mucolytics (Mucinex)
- Oral anti-histamines (Allegra, Claritin, Xyzal, Zyrtec)
- Nasal Steroids (Flonase, Nasacort, Nasonex, Rhinacort)
- Saline nasal sprays and irrigation. (Ocean, Nielmed Sinus Rinse)
To improve your health, these treatments can target the triggers that are causing inflammation and infection in your sinuses.
For More Information
Indiana Sinus Centers through its partnerships with local hospitals is committed to offering the surrounding residents with the latest advancements in the treatment of chronic sinus conditions. Dr. Bichey is a board certified specialist skilled in the utilization of new techniques such as Balloon Sinuplasty and Aerin Medical Technology to bring sinus and nasal congestion suffers back to a state of normal health with minimal inconvenience, time off work and recovery.
You may ask your family physician for a referral but that is not necessary. Direct and On-Line appointments are also welcome.